Our repeat customers

Riders who like the World Wild Dirt Bike Tours.  - We pride ourselves on offering value for money, and all inclusive tour price.  

Below is a list of repeat customers who have recognised this value for money. 

Steely , 2 trips Romania, Romania.

Fitzy , 2 trips Romania, Romania.

Rocket, 4 trips Romania ,Thailand, Romania. Thailand.

Dave, 3 trips Romania, Thailand ,Romania.

Scott, 3 Trips Romania, Thailand ,Cambobia.

BJ, 2 trips Romaniac's Race, Romania.

Dale, 2 Trips Romaniac's Race, Romania.

Troy, 2 Trips Romaniac's Race, Romania.

Brett, 2 Trips Romaniac's Race , Romania.

Craig, 2 Trips, Thailand , Cambodia.

Mingo, 3 Trips Cambobia, Romania, Vietnam.